Being a College Student, financial issue is a big concern. Being a Student you spend your time in learning and there very little time if any to work. As Student, College days is the most vulnerable part when it comes in financial aspect. It needs a lots of adjustments especially when i decided to be a Working Student in School. When I entered in College, it was the happiest day in my life because I know from myself that I already overcome the challenges and trials during my High School days. But without my knowing, there will be more experiences, difficulties and obstacle that will going to encounter in order to pursue my college life. In my first year in College, I saw that my parents struggling to pursue my studies in College because my 3 brothers are also studying. Even though they didn't say anything about the problems financially but I knew from my heart that they suffer and they sacrifice everything just to send me in College especially when the examinations are scheduled. That was the time that I look for another options in order to help them in my tuition fees.
During the 2nd Semester in my First Year I heard and I saw my friend that he processed some papers for him to apply as a Working Student in our School. That was the time that I decided to apply, and I was thankful that I passed to be one of the of the Working Student and I was assigned at the Chaplains office. I was very happy that I may now have the chance to help my parents in pursuing my studies in College. In my first day as Working Assistant and a Student, I encountered some difficulties in the adjustments of my classes and work responsibility. There's a time that I cried because of some conflicts and adjustments from my classes and my duty. But I was grateful that my supervisor is very understanding and have lots of concerns for the students who less fortunate like me. I realized that being a College Student and working at the same time is not easy, you can encountered some difficulties that you may think that you will lost your hope and give up. But instead of thinking about this, I treated this as one of the challenges and trials that I'm going to pass in order to be successful.
As a College Student and Working at the same time is one way to show your ability to be an independent person, and one way to improve yourself in different aspects of life. Because of Work Study Program Organization of Filamer Christian College and the opportunities that they given, I can say that I may now matured enough to face the new challenges or incoming trials that I'm going to encounter in my daily lives. I proud in myself that I passed all those things, and I become more matured in doing some good things. I don't know what futures awaits me, but one thing for sure I'm willing to face what consequences will be, because i know that God is with me while I'm walking to a journey of success.
1 comment:
ur such a one of a kind. GODBLESS
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